Marriage License Fee Increasing In Dodge County

(Juneau) People getting married in Dodge County will have to pay just a little bit more for their marriage license. The Dodge County Board approved the spike in price during their recent meeting, but the vote was not unanimous. One of the dissenters was Supervisor Jeff Schmitt who noted that seems like the county is capitalizing on someone else’s misery. He questioned why the increase was necessary at all.

The license will increase from $70 to $100 with $25 going to the state, $20 going to family court and the remaining amount staying with the county clerk’s office. Dodge County Clerk Karen Gibson says the reason behind the increase is to help cover staff costs. Gibson says benefits and salaries are going up and the only source of revenue her office has are marriage license.

Gibson says she issues on average 450 licenses a year. The $100 marriage license fee would still be $20 cheaper than Dane County and $10 less than Jefferson, Washington and Waukesha. The increase will not go into effect until January 1st of 2020.