(Horicon) The Horicon School District is looking for interested individuals to fill an upcoming vacancy on the school board. The district recently announced that Ellen Sunderland seat, which is one of four on the seven-person board representing the city of Horicon, will be vacant come July 1st. The board education intends to appoint an eligible individual until the spring election in 2024. Any person who is a city of Horicon resident and qualified elector of the Horicon School District must file their name, residential address, telephone number, email address, and a letter of interest to the District Administrator Rich Appel at 841 Gray Street. The letter of interest should include the candidate’s reasons for serving, their qualifications, top priorities for the school board, and their availability for board duties. All materials must be received by the district office before 4pm on July 6th. The school board will interview candidates at their July 11th meeting. For more information, contact District Administrator Rich Appel at 920-485-2898 option 5 or by email at rappel@horicon.k12.wi.us.