GKB John Moser Children’s Radiothon Has Record-Breaking Year

(Beaver Dam) It was a record-breaking year for the Good Karma Brands John Moser Children’s Radiothon. The 27-hour marathon broadcast wrapped up Friday morning after raising well into six figures for 15 non-profits in the Dodge County area that work with kids. Good Karma Brands CEO Craig Karmazin says the 2023 total, as of around 9am Friday morning, was $142,366.

That brings the unofficial 26 year total to $2,656,353. Money is still coming in which could have a significant impact on the final tally. Karmazin says every dollar supports local organizations, and that list has grown since the Radiothon’s humble beginnings.

“And think about how many organizations now…the first year it was PAVE and the parent resource place…there was two organizations,” says Karmazin. “Now its double digit organizations. There’s an occasional grant that goes out beyond the money going from the Radiothon. So, it’s an amazing community impact.”

Noel’s Angle Walk, organized by Scott and Lori Smith in memory of their one-year-old daughter, raised $12,304. The dessert auction brought in $2,668. The golf outing raised $5,899. The Beaver Dam Fire Department also dropped off a $500 check.

The Host with the Most fundraising challenge, pitting Wade Bates and Sheri Sackett against each other to see who could bring in the most money – the loser would get a pie to the face – chipped in just over $92-hundred-dollars combined. Thanks to a last minute donation by Karmazin, both Wade and Sheri ended up with $4,637 – meaning both of them got a pie to the face.

Click HERE to learn more about the agencies benefiting from the Good Karma Brands John Moser Children’s Radiothon.