Dodge County Board Confirms Appointment Of Van Egtern To Clerk Position

(Juneau) Dodge County will have a new clerk come May. The County Board this week confirmed the appointment of Chief Deputy Clerk Danielle Van Egtern to the post. She will fill the remainder of Karen Gibson’s term when she retires on May 17th. Gibson say Van Egtern is the right person for the job.

“I’m confident Danielle can step-in to fill my shoes,” says Gibson. “She has worked in the office and knows office procedures. She has a passion for serving taxpayers and citizens…[is] always very helpful and she knows the elections. In fact, she’s the only one that knows the election system on the county’s end. She’s also the only person that knows the voting system the county board uses. So, she is the most qualified person.”

Gibson, who had served as clerk since January of 2003 and began working for the county in 1992, says her decision to step away was based on two reasons. The first being the ability to retire once you hit the age of 55 and had spent 30 years in the Wisconsin Retirement System.

The second being the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election. Gibson says (quote) “I just can’t do another presidential election” and “what happened then has been happening ever since.” County leaders hope to fill the chief deputy position prior to this August’s primary and the November election.