(Clyman) The Clyman Village Board Monday night tabled action on a demerit point ordinance to govern liquor license holders. Discussion arose following alleged incidents of sex-trafficking at a strip club in the village as outlined in a federal indictment. The board held-off on a vote because a village trustee was unable to attend the meeting. The village attorney assembled an ordinance modeled after a similar measure in the Town of Lebanon, where there has been a similar situation with a strip club and a demerit point law was adopted last month. Implementation would allow the village to identify offenses like fights, underage drinking and prostitution. Violations would be measured by a point system established by the board for each offense. If any business with a liquor license accumulates too many points within a pre-designated period, a hearing would be triggered that could result in monetary fines, license suspension or license revocation. The board last night acknowledged a letter from Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, a Town of Clyman resident, who assured the board that he is looking into action on the state-level to help municipalities with issues similar to what Clyman has experienced. The village board is expected to have an ordinance before them next month for discussion and a possible first reading.
Clyman Village Board Postpones Talks On Demerit Point Ordinance