Seclusion and Restraint Policies on the Agenda in Waupun

9/4/12 – A discussion on a seclusion and restraint policy is on the agenda for the Waupun School Board to discuss tonight.  The district came under fire last spring after a parent complained that the room was used to punish her autistic child. By law, seclusion rooms can be used to diffuse an outburst. The district voluntarily suspended its use of the room in the middle of May after a Department of Public Instruction review determined that its use was not consistent with the states directives on the issue. New district administrator Tonya Gubin has said they’ve been working with the DPI to make the necessary changes to the room. Those changes include creating better ventilation, a new paint job and making it seem more like part of the overall classroom.  The board meets at 7pm at the Educational Service Center.