January 15, 2014

Shift Proposed In DC Emergency Management


1/15/14 – There could be some shifting of titles in Dodge County Emergency Management. The county Executive Committee yesterday advanced a proposal to voluntarily switch Deputy Director Amy Nehls to the top post. Director Joe Meagher would then become the Deputy Director. Meagher approached Nehls about the change. It comes following the recent birth of his son Oscar, who was born pre-mature but otherwise perfectly healthy, though will require a little extra quality time with dad. Nehls tells us the change in titles will not be noticeable to local residents or agency partners…and will essentially boil down to her attending a few more evening meetings. The resolution will go before the Dodge County Board next Tuesday and, if approved, with take effect on January 25.


Kleefisch Yanks Bill Connected To Columbus Mayor


1/15/14 – A public hearing has been canceled for Wednesday on a controversial bill to let wealthy parents have their child support payments reduced.  The state Assembly’s Family Law Committee was planning a hearing on the measure — but its fate is now uncertain after Oconomowoc Republican Joel Kleefisch had the item removed from today’s calendar.  Earlier, Kleefisch promised to amend the bill so it would not benefit one of his campaign donors.  Reports indicated that developer and former Columbus Mayor Michael Eisenga drafted language in the bill in an effort to reduce his 15-thousand-dollar a month child support payments.  Newspapers in Madison and Milwaukee said Eisenga had given thousands of campaign dollars to both Kleefisch and his wife, Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch.  Republicans have been defending the measure, saying it was needed to prevent excessive support payments.  Family Law Committee chairman Tom Larson had said the bill should be considered on its merits, not on who gave how much money to who’s campaigns.  Opponents said it was wrong to take away judges’ discretion from cases they’re directly involved with.


Juneau Council Approves EMT Reversal, Rate Hike


1/15/14 – Utility customers in the city of Juneau will soon see an increase in their sewer rates. The Common Council last night approved a two-percent increase across the board for residential and commercial properties. The rate hike will take effect when the ordinance is published next week. Also last night, there was a large presence of EMT’s in attendance. The council last night rescinded a measure approved last month to restructure the Emergency Medical Services department. After meeting in closed session last month, the council approved a plan that would have made the police chief the Public Safety Director in charge of appointing officers. Last night’s action reversed that decision leaving the EMT’s to name their own officers.


Columbus School’s Approves House Purchase


1/15/14 – The Columbus School Board has approved purchase of a house that will be used to help developmentally disabled students transition into independent life after high school. Seventy citizens were on hand to debate the purchase of the house at 319 Richmond Street for the District’s Transition Program. Twenty-one residents voiced opinions. Everyone present was in favor of the school’s Transition Program. However, some were against purchasing the house. The Transition Program is currently being housed in a rented facility on Commercial Drive. The board ultimately voted unanimously to purchase the property with a $99 thousand dollar federal grant earmarked for students with disabilities.


Born on Assembly Passage of Heroin Bills


1/15/14 – The Wisconsin Assembly has unanimously approved four bills aimed at curbing the growth in heroin abuse and overdoses.  The package was sent to the Senate Tuesday.  Assembly Republican John Nygren of Marinette proposed the measures last year, as part of Attorney General J-B Van Hollen’s campaign to curb heroin trafficking and overdose deaths.  Nygren’s teenage daughter almost died from the drug. Nygren’s four bills would allow trained emergency responders to administer Narcan to ward off overdoses; grant limited immunity for those who report overdoses cases to rescuers; expand community drug disposal programs; and require I-D’s for those buying prescription narcotics.  State Representative Mark Born says the bill is a (quote) “positive step toward solving a problem that affects everyone.” The Beaver Dam Republican says he is confident that “all four bills will help save lives and help law enforcement as they continue to fight this epidemic.” Nygren calls the package a good first start, and he promises other legislation in the future.


Jefferson County getting New Voting Machines


1/15/14 – Jefferson County is one of six counties in the state where residents will see a different type of voting machine at the polls this year.  New machines will also be used in Dane, Brown and La Crosse. Wood and Portage counties have already been using the new machines which are meant to be more secure and reliable.  Dane County Clerk Scott McDonell says the machines record images of the ballots, to serve as a record in case something happens to the originals.  The ballots are filed on a random basis, so they cannot be linked to specific voters.  The machines also have screens which show whether a ballot was accepted or not.


Cell Phone In Construction Zone Ban Considered


1/15/14 – Wisconsinites will have their say Wednesday on a bill to ban cell-phone use while driving through construction zones.  The Senate’s transportation panel will hear testimony on a bill introduced last month by Marathon Republican Jerry Petrowski.  Over 15 lawmakers from both parties have co-sponsored the measure.  Petrowski said the highway commissioner in his home county of Marathon suggested the bill — which is aimed at reducing distracted driving while protecting road workers in the construction zones.  First-offenses would carry a 20-dollar fine.


Cambridge Man Identified In Madison Work Death


1/15/14 – A man who fell to his death at a hotel construction site in Madison has been identified as 40-year-old Robert Lund of Cambridge.  The Dane County medical examiner’s office said Lund died from his injuries in the mishap — which occurred Monday afternoon at a renovation project for Madison’s Edgewater Hotel.  Officials have not said what happened.  An initial 9-1-1 call said a worker fell about 20-feet.  The lead contractor for the project, Findorff, is heading the investigation along with the U-S Occupational Safety-and-Health Administration.  The firm has not said what Lund’s job was — or what he was doing when he fell.


School Bus Driver Injured In Town of Shields Accident


1/15/14 – The driver of a school bus was sustained minor injuries yesterday after colliding with a car in the Town of Shields. The accident happened around 4pm on Provimi Road and Dodge County Trunk K. Thirteen students on board the bus from Transportation Services of Watertown were not injured.


Kuenzi Named New BDHS Football Coach


1/15/14 – The Beaver Dam School District has announced their new head football coach. After the recent resignation of former coach Tim White, school officials say they began the task of finding the right person that would meet the demands of a successful program. The district posted the position for three weeks and the vacancy was circulated through the Wisconsin Education Career Access Network and the Wisconsin Football Coaches Association. More than 30 applicants were screened and the finalists were interviewed by a committee of coaches, parents, teachers and other district stakeholders. As a result of the process, Steven Kuenzi has been named the Golden Beavers new head football coach. The 1987 graduate of Beaver Dam High School was a multi-sport athlete who played football all four years. Kuenzi lettered in football all four years at UW Eau Claire and was assistant coach there for two years. In total, Kuenzi has 20 years of coaching experience as assistant coach at Wisconsin Rapids and Beaver Dam and as head coach in Watertown. He was also named Beaver Dam’s Teacher of the Year in 2007 and the Wisconsin Little Ten Assistant Coach of the Year in 2012. Kuenzi says it is (quote) “an honor to be part of the rich tradition of the school’s football program and build upon the foundation that Tim White established. He says it will be a challenge but also a tremendous opportunity to give back to the community a champion-caliber program.”


Aerators On Lake Emily, Fox Lake


1/15/14 – Aerators are out on Lake Emily in the Town of Fox Lake. Officials say the units will also be turned-on tomorrow on Fox Lake. Aeration units are used when oxygen drops to a level that would be dangerous to the health of the lake.  The machine circulates water in such a way that it thins the ice for as much as a mile around. The area is cordoned off with rope and posts.  In Beaver Dam, the Lake Improvement Association installed aerators this past weekend.


Sheriff Hosting Coffee With A Cop Tomorrow


1/15/14 – The Dodge County Sheriff’s Department is hosting another Coffee with a Cop program Thursday morning. Sheriff Pat Ninmann says the two-hour program is an opportunity to for deputies and officers to sit down with community members in an informal, neutral space to discuss local issues and build relations one cup of coffee at a time. Ninmann is partnering with the Juneau Police Department for tomorrow’s sit-down, which will be held at the Village Garden on West Oak Street in Juneau beginning at 8am. Coffee with a Cop is a national initiative supported by The United States Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services. Similar events are being held across the county, as local police departments, sheriff’s offices, and state police forces strive to make lasting connections with the communities they serve.