Dodge County’s Most Wanted – August 2017

The Dodge County Sheriff’s Office Most Wanted program is an effort to resolve outstanding Dodge County warrants. There are a variety of different warrants including warrants for failure to appear in court, traffic offenses, misdemeanors, felonies, child support and others. Some of these individuals that are wanted will never be held accountable for the offenses they have committed or restitution that is owed to their victims unless they are brought before the court. The Dodge County Sheriff’s Office feels it is very important to bring these individuals in front of a judge so that the victims, witnesses and the courts can finally bring resolution to these cases.

The Dodge County Sheriff’s Office would like the cooperation of these individuals and asks that they make arrangements to resolve these warrants on their own. Each month the sheriff’s office will highlight warrants that we will focus on for the month. Our deputies will actively work to apprehend these individuals during that month as well as any warrants that may not have been resolved from previous months.

The sheriff’s office also asks for the assistance of the public in providing information to assist in apprehending these individuals. If you have information on the whereabouts of these individuals, please do not make contact with them. Your safety is our priority and we do not want the public placing themselves in harms way. We ask that you contact the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office at (920) 386-3726 or your local law enforcement agency with that information and we will respond and attempt to make an arrest.


 2015 90  59
 2016  120  87
2017  80 75



 August, 2017
Fidel Tapia Gabriel
Angela Johannsen
Clevon Le Gendre
Leother Lobley
Kulani Merten
Terry Osimitz
Charlie Pryor
Charles Wyskochil
July, 2017
Charles Edwards
Beauregard Ehmen
Joshua Kingston
June, 2017
Cosme A. Juarez Juarez
Mark W. Terlaan
May, 2017
Eric Anderson
 Sarah Elder
April, 2017
Jefferson Davoodi
Evan Mollet
Tosha Przekurat
Terrell Thomas
 March, 2017
Jeremy Merritt
Brian Stallard
Gary D. Woods
 February, 2017
Anthony Huffman
Kenneth Schwartz
Aaron Stofflet
January, 2017
Raymond Cody
Francisco Lazaro Sanchez
Matthew Mita
 December, 2016
Herman Jones
Nathaniel Novell
Justin Woods
November, 2016
Jose Cardozo
Andrew Francis
Ian Lichtig
David Wiedmer
October, 2016
Eric Tomlinson
 September, 2016
Joshua Behling
Joel Schloesser
Valerie Thorsen
August, 2016
Tania Giese
Stacy Tuescher
July, 2016


 June, 2016
Erick A. Rodriguez-Garcia
May, 2016
April, 2016
Christopher Nelson
March, 2016
Paul Felder
Tommie McKnight
Jose Ochoa
Jimmy Perry
Thomas Wirth
 February, 2016
Israel Hernandez
Crixell Schmidt
Eric Wercinski
January, 2016
Nicholas A. Curtis
Kyle Jahns
Jon C. Waters
December, 2015
November, 2015
October, 2015
Hugo Francisco Contreras
Robert A. Neitzel
September, 2015
Dale Baker
John Bellini
John Clemens
Elizabeth Guajardo 
Rachael Smith
August, 2015
Apolinar Martinez
David Martinez
July, 2015
June, 2015
Thomas P Monett
Christopher J Pounds
May, 2015
Jimmy Demars
April, 2015
William Simmons