Dodge County Extension Offers FoodWise Program

(Juneau) The Dodge County UW Extension is reminding residents of a service that helps facilitate an active lifestyle and healthy food choices. FoodWise is federally funded by the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education and the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program that serves Wisconsin residents with limited incomes. FoodWise Coordinator Caitlin Richardson says they cover among other things MyPlate, which is a newer version of the food pyramid, how to stretch food dollars, how to keep food safe, feeding young children and how to alter food recipes to make them healthier. Richardson oversees FoodWise in Sauk, Columbia and Dodge Counties. During a recent appearance on WBEV’s Community Comment, Richardson said the program has had a positive impact. She says she hears from parents quite often that their kids are more willing to try new foods and that they are asking to eat more vegetables. Richardson says if anyone is interested in learning more to reach out to her at 920-386-3790 or at More information is also available here: