Columbus City Council Approves Updated Job Description Changes For City Departments

(Columbus) The Columbus City Council approved job description changes for multiple city department positions at a recent regular meeting. One notable change included the Community Center Director being changed to Community Center Manager and will report to the Recreation Director. Alderwoman Sarah Motiff (motive) had an issue with the description for the Communications and Economic Development Coordinator previously known as the Communications and Media Coordinator. 

“I feel like you’re tailoring that for a person and similar to what I said with the [recreational] department changes that we made,” Motiff says. “They should be separate and not combined because we should be tailoring for needs, not people.”           

Alder Ryan Rostad (row-stad) pointed out an error under special requirements for the recreational director position that have the phrase (quote) “if desired by city administrator and wondered if that was common practice. City Administrator Matt Amundson says that was a good catch. 

“I would support eliminating the ‘if desired by city administrator’ for both of those items.”   

Amundson says he did not like the language and that was a miss on his part. After some discussion, the job descriptions for all but the recreational director were approved, with the latter to be further discussed at a future meeting.