10/12/11 – If Scott Walker is recalled next spring, he would only be the third governor in U-S history to be removed that way. According to the A-P, California’s Gray Davis was recalled in 2003, and the governor of North Dakota was booted out in 1921. State Democrats say they’re working with the group United Wisconsin to gather recall signatures starting November 15th. They’ll need to submit at least 540-thousand valid signatures by January 17th. The state Government Accountability Board would then have 31 days to certify the petitions. But that process could be delayed by an extension or court challenges. The earliest an election could be held is March 27th if there are no delays. That could be a primary, in which case the general election would be April 24th at the earliest. State Democratic Party chairman Mike Tate said the Republican Walker was quote, “dishonest with the people” when he ran for governor last year. He was referring to the G-O-P’s passage of the law which virtually ended collective bargaining for most state-and-local public employee unions. Tate said the measure was never mentioned once during Walker’s campaign. But Walker previously said voters would have seen it coming if they knew his track record as Milwaukee County’s executive. And state G-O-P director Stephan Thompson says Wisconsin’s communities and schools have saved millions of tax dollars thanks to Walker’s reforms. Thompson says his party welcomes what he calls the “positive results” as compared to quote, “the failed policies of the past, favored by those seeking a recall.”