Sure-Fire Helps Heat The Homes Of Two Local Families In Need

(Horicon) Two families in need will have a warmer winter this year thanks to a local business. Horicon’s Sure-Fire, Inc. is an annual participant in the Feel the Love Event, a program built on the idea of neighbors-helping-neighbors. Erin Strade, the company’s marketing coordinator, explains. 

“Feel the Love is a program that’s run by Lennox Industries…we’re a Lennox premier dealer so we get the opportunity every year to take part in this,” says Strade. “For many years we’ve been able to install new furnace units for local community members free of cost just based on the nominations that we’ve received from the public for those in need or those who have stepped out of the box and have been a very helpful part of the community.”

Brenda Schaalma of Juneau was picked as the first Feel the Love recipient for 2023. Brenda’s high school sweetheart and husband of 36 years, Jerald Schaalma, lost his battle with cancer this year. With the ups and downs of Jerald’s health over the last two years, necessary home repairs were not something the Schaalma family could take on at the same time. Their current heating system is from 1993 and has been ready for retirement for several years.

After the initial nomination period was closed, a late entry came in mid-September and Strade says their team knew something had to be done to help. After a few calls, Sure-Fire was approved for a last-minute installation for the Billington family of Mayville.

Roger Billington, a veteran of the Army National Guard, also lost his battle with cancer this year. His wife of 42 years, Carol, faces similar struggles to those of the Schaalma family. Strade says this is a true example of how wonderful and strong our local community is.

“This year…right after we had decided on the family…there was a last minute submission put in from one of our regular customers here and it was for a family we just couldn’t say no to,” says Strade. “Just so overwhelming to see that both stories were actually very similar in their losses and struggles this year. [Sure-Fire] is just very happy to be able to bring some relief to these families.”

It is the first time in nearly 10 years the company had the opportunity for a second installation. Sure-Fire has been a part of Feel the Love since the beginning when it originated as “Heat Up Wisconsin”. Now on their 14th year, the 2023 Feel the Love Event will bring the total installation count to 17 for Sure-Fire, an approximate donation value of $85,000. Nominations for 2024 are open all year round.

Click HERE to learn more about Sure-Fire’s involvement in Feel the Love.