Sturgeon Spearing Season Starts Saturday

(Lake Winnebago) Wisconsin’s Department of Natural Resources has released the harvest caps for the Sturgeon Spearing season that starts this Saturday. The caps for the Upriver Lakes are 70 juvenile females, 79 adult females, and 246 males. The caps for Lake Winnebago are 280 juvenile females, 714 adult females, and 985 males. The length of the season is also dictated by water clarity. The clearer the water the faster spearers will reach a harvest cap or a 90 percent trigger which closes the season the following day. There is an average of 13 feet of water clarity around Lake Winnebago with generally clearer water on the eastern shores as well as farther from shores along the west side of the lake. The maximum length of the sturgeon spearing season is 16 days, which would end the season on February 26,