Recall Elections Break Spending Records

8/6/11 – A state government watchdog group said Friday that spending records have been broken in five-of-the-six recall elections against Republican state senators. The G-O-P incumbents all face Democratic challengers on Tuesday. And the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign said all but one of those contests have had total spending in excess of three-million-dollars. That’s the previous record for a Senate race. The watchdog group said Republican incumbent Alberta Darling and Assembly Democrat Sandy Pasch have attracted the most money for their race both by their campaigns and outsiders – around eight-million dollars in all. The Democracy Campaign said spending in four other races ranged from three-point-one million dollars to five-and-a-half million. And in the other recalls against one Republican and two Democrats, the spending has ranged from three-quarter-million dollars to almost two-million. Recall votes against the Democratic incumbents are set for a week from Tuesday.