6/3/11 – Two people were arrested, and over two dozen anti-Walker protestors were removed during the first two hours of a State Capitol budget meeting last night. They shouted down lawmakers who were working on the proposed state budget with cries of “Shame” and “Police State.” Majority Republicans pressed on while Democrats urged the crowd to quiet down to no avail. Senate Democrat Bob Jauch of Poplar told them he was on their side – but their shouting could do “more harm than good.” The meeting was supposed to begin at one yesterday afternoon. But it didn’t start until seven last night, as the parties met privately to work out deals on some of the most controversial parts of the budget. That wasn’t unusual, but it made the 100 people in the meeting room testy. One was removed before the session began, but was allowed to return. A short time later, three protestors yelled against banning in-state college tuition for children of illegal immigrants. They were removed as some cried, “Police State.” Outside the room, dozens sang “Solidarity Forever” and “We Shall Overcome” as they waited to get in. One was admitted as another left. As the meeting went on, protestors screamed one-by-one over lawmakers’ voices, reading from the Constitution or slamming the Walker budget cuts they opposed – including state aid to public schools. Another screamed for the recall of committee co-chair Alberta Darling, and to give her the pink slip. He told her quote, “Pink looks good on you.”
Smaller Cuts in State Aid in Budget Compromise