Phone Lines Packed for No-Call List

6/1/11 – Over a quarter-million Wisconsinites jammed phone lines the past couple days to make sure they’re on the next do-not-call list for telemarketers. Yesterday was the deadline to get onto the updated list which goes out July first. Brock Bergey of the state’s consumer protection division said over 124-thousand people called or went on-line to get onto the no-call list on Memorial Day. Yesterday, another 111-thousand people added their names by three p-m. The last-minute rush was so big, callers were not getting through. So officials temporarily doubled the number of available call-in lines to around 200. The no-call list is updated every three months, and people must re-register every two years to stay on it. Bergey says there’s always a rush near the deadline – and you don’t have to wait until then to register for the no-call list that will go out September first. It’s one of Wisconsin’s most popular programs. Over two-point-two million state residents are on the list – and about half are cell phones.