News – July 15, 2022

(Columbus) A Columbus man was charged yesterday (Thursday) with physically assaulting an officer. Branden Kennedy allegedly lunged at the officer Wednesday night as they were investigating a disorderly conduct complaint. The 39-year-old reportedly strangled and choked the officer. Kennedy was tased and was later taken into custody when a Columbia County Sheriff’s Office K-9 unit arrived on scene. The officer injured was treated and released from the hospital. Bond was set at $10,000 during Kennedy’s initial appearance and he is due back in court next month. 

(Juneau) A Dodge County jury found a Waupun Correctional inmate guilty yesterday (Thursday) of violently assaulting a corrections officer. Timmy Johnson struck the guard in the head roughly 20 times all over a report about him hiding his medication in 2019. The victim was seriously injured but recovered and was able to return to work several days later. Johnson has been incarcerated since 2014 when he was sentenced to 50 years in prison on numerous charges including First-Degree Reckless Homicide, Kidnapping, and Armed Robbery. A sentencing hearing is scheduled for August 18th.

(Hartford) A couple from Hartford have been charged for their roles in smuggling illegal contraband into the Washington County Jail. Forty-two-year-old Ryan Paxton allegedly had his girlfriend, Stephanie Doll, purchase drug-laced papers off the internet. The 33-year-old Doll would have their daughter draw pictures and write letters, as well as include family photographs to disguise them as normal correspondence in order to mail the drug into the facility. Both Paxton and Doll face three-and-a-half years in prison, if convicted. 

(Beaver Dam) Beaver Dam School District officials are reminding the community that they are offering free meals to children this summer. The district is distributing free meals to any person 18 years or younger while schools are closed. Meal distribution is held at Waterworks Park every Monday through Thursday from 11am to 12:30pm. The program runs until August 11th.

(Town of Beaver Dam) This afternoon on WBEV’s Community Comment we will be discussing the referendum question that voters in the Town of Beaver Dam will see on the August 9th ballot. The township is seeking to exceed revenue limits in perpetuity to fund increased fire and EMS costs and road maintenance. Board Chair Joe Kern says the board explored contracting out with other services, starting their own EMS, and borrowing, none of which he says are ideal. Kern will join us at 12:35pm. – Kill after 10:30am

(Wisconsin) A third case of the monkeypox is confirmed in Wisconsin. Dane County public health officials are not offering specifics about the person who caught the virus, including when or where. The risk to the community is low, but people need to be aware of flu-like symptoms – which may include fever, headache, muscle aches and backache, sore throat, cough, swollen lymph nodes, chills, or exhaustion. – WRN