More Republicans Support Allowing Concealed Weapons at Capitol

Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald of Horicon is the latest Republican who wants to allow concealed weapons in the State Capitol. The state’s concealed carry law takes effect three weeks from today (Tue) – and state-and-local governments have the option of whether to allow hidden weapons in their buildings. Attorney General J-B Van Hollen and Senate G-O-P leader Scott Fitzgerald of Juneau both favor allowing concealed weapons at the Capitol. They say it should be no problem, since law-abiding Wisconsinites will have state permits to carry them. Otherwise, Scott Fitzgerald says the Capitol would need metal detectors at every entrance to make sure that guns stay out. He says those detectors would not be needed if concealed carry is allowed. G-O-P Governor Scott Walker has not said publicly how he feels about the matter. His administration department says it will come up with a policy by November first.