(Dodge County) Jobless filings in the region edged slightly downward from September to October. According to figures released this week by the state Department of Workforce Development, the unemployment rate in Dodge County was down one-tenth to 2.5-percent. Last year at this time, the rate was 2.1-percent. Washington County was also down one-tenth to 2.5-percent. Fond du Lac and Jefferson counties both dropped two-tenths to 2.5-percent; and that same rate was reported in Columbia County which was unchanged over the two-month period. Green Lake County logged a 2.8-percent, down three-tenths from September. All the rates in the region were lower in 2018. Lafayette County had the lowest unemployment rate in October at two-percent while Menominee County had the highest at 6.6-percent. In total, jobless filings declined or stayed the same over the two-month period in 68 of Wisconsin’s 72 counties. The state’s seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate was up one-tenth to 3.3-percent, which is three-tenths below the national rate of 3.6-percent.
Jobless Filings Down Slightly For Region