(Watertown) State Senator John Jagler is co-sponsoring legislation to restore high academic standards for K-12 testing protocols. The changes to the student performance standards have been widely panned across the state, including by former State Superintendent and Governor Tony Evers.
Senator Jagler says, “We need to reinstate our high academic standards and strive for excellence on behalf of the students and families we serve.” The state lawmaker from Watertown says changes were made behind closed doors in advance and revealed only when the test scores were announced.
He notes there was a massive uptick in artificial performance gains that were confusing and misleading. The bill resets the report card standards to levels set in 2019-20, aligns grades 3-8 with national standards set by the National Assessment of Education Progress and resets high school testing standards to levels set in 2021-22 school year.
Jagler serves as Chair of the Senate Committee on Education and represents the 13th State Senate District, which covers all or parts of Adams, Columbia, Dodge, Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Jefferson, Marquette, Waushara and Winnebago counties.