Dodge County Treasurer Talks About 2024 Tax Bills

(Juneau) Dodge County Treasurer Kris Keith is reminding taxpayers that the 2024 tax bills are not yet out and will not be out until mid-December at the latest.  

Keith says once all local government and school districts finalize their budgets, the local clerks compile the information and submit it to the county. She adds that taxpayers can view the tax bills on the Dodge County website, where the tax bills appear before arriving in the mail. When searching for your parcel, the treasurer recommends searching only for your name, parcel number, or parcel address, rather than all three pieces of information. Keith also encourages looking at the “coupons” on the bottom of the correct payment information and mailing address. All new year tax payments, paid in December and January are paid to the local treasurer, not the county treasurer. 

For more information, call Kris Keith and her staff at the Treasurer’s office at 920-386-3782 or email