(Juneau) The Dodge County judges have appointed Kelly Enright to serve as clerk of circuit court. Longtime Clerk of Courts Lynn Hron announced she is stepping down from the post on May 3rd. Enright currently serves as chief deputy clerk of courts.
State statutes allow the sitting circuit court judges in a county to appoint a replacement if the elected clerk steps down for any reason during their term. The decision to appoint Enright was unanimous.
Judge Martin De Vries says Enright has shown that she is qualified to lead the office and that her past work has been exceptional.
Judge Kristine Snow says this was the best choice with Judge Joseph Sciascia adding that Enright has the skill, experience, leadership ability, and dedication to public service that is needed to excel as clerk of courts.
Presiding Judge Brian Pfitzinger says Enright has what it takes to lead and work with the courts to make sure that their concerns are met.
Enright’s appointment will expire upon the swearing in of the next elected clerk of courts on January 3rd. She has already announced her bid for the department’s top position.