Dodge County Board Chair Praises Share Revenue Bill

(Juneau) Governor Tony Evers recently signed an historic increase in the state’s Shared Revenue payments to local communities. Dodge County Board Chairman Dave Frohling praised state leaders for getting the deal done.
“We need to thank our legislatures and our governor for working together for a change and coming with a local government reform package,” says Frohling. “We need to encourage them to continue to work collaboratively in the future because it’s all in our best interest to work together and make the state and the counties a stronger governmental body…so, thank you to the governor and to the legislators.”
Overall, local communities will be seeing an extra billion dollars in shared revenue. That means a new baseline of 20-percent increase for all municipalities; allowing Milwaukee County and city to pass a sales tax with a two-thirds vote of the local governing board.
As part of the compromise, legislative leaders and the governor also agreed to $1-billion in new state aid for schools and increased voucher amounts for the school choice program.