Beaver Dam Veterans Honor Walk Program Taking Applications

(Dodge County) Dodge County Residents have an opportunity to honor veterans with the Beaver Dam Veterans Honor Walk Program. A banner can be purchased for display to show a photo of a veteran, their name, rank, branch served, years in the service, wars fought in, and the sponsor’s name. The registration deadline is April 30th.

Banners will be displayed in downtown Beaver Dam from early July to mid-November. Any photo can be used to represent a military member, but official military photos are preferred. Digital photos are required, but physical photos can be scanned and sent in. The cost for the banners is $300 each.

Applications are available at the Beaver Dam Chamber of Commerce. You can also look for a banner with applications on display at Beaver Dam’s Fleet Farm, Beaver Dam’s Piggly Wiggly, or Beaver Dam’s Food Pride grocery store. The Beaver Dam Veterans Honor Walk began five years ago as a Scouts BSA Eagle project.

The event’s current goal is to display 40 banners each year. A “banner booklet” is also printed every year to show the banners and a map of where each one is displayed. For more information or help with the process, you can reach out to Dave Diljak at or 920-885-6463.