2/1/17 – Four private schools in the Dodge County-area are among 31 in Wisconsin that have signed up for the first time to participate in the state’s school voucher program next school year. State Department of Public Instruction officials said Tuesday that 163 schools registered to participate in the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program by the January 10th deadline. St. Katherine Drexel School in Beaver Dam; St. John’s Lutheran School in Mayville; Watertown Luther Preparatory; and Calvary Baptist Christian School in Watertown are all first-time applicant schools. They join several other area schools that had been on the list including: Central Wisconsin Christian School in Waupun; Randolph Christian School; Lakeside Lutheran High School in Lake Mills; Good Shepherd Lutheran School in Watertown and Wisconsin Academy in Columbus. Wisconsin has two other voucher programs in addition to the statewide option. D-P-I officials said 127 schools registered to participate in the Milwaukee voucher program while 23 schools are registered to participate in Racine.