4th of July Travel Expected to be Down

7/1/11 – The number of Wisconsinites taking off for the July Fourth weekend will be almost three-percent less than a year ago. The Triple-“A” says around 826-thousand Badger State residents plan to travel at least 50-miles from home. Nationally, two-and-a-half percent fewer Americans plan to hit-the-road for Independence Day. Forty-four percent of them said high gas prices made them less independent. The Wisconsin Triple-“A” says the average price is 3.53-a-gallon today for unleaded regular. That’s down a half-penny from yesterday, and it’s 33-cents less than a month ago. Officials say the busiest travel hours will be from noon-to-8 p-m both tomorrow and on Monday. Last year was pretty safe. Only one person died in a state highway crash during the Fourth in 2010. The state has 20 major road construction projects at the moment – and the biggest freeway projects near Milwaukee were completed this week. Others will shut down from noon tomorrow until Tuesday. You can get an updated list by calling 5-1-1, or going online at 511WI-Dot-Gov.