4H Names Dodge County Leader to Hall of Fame

(Dodge County) A local 4-H leader was named by Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development to their 2022 Hall of Fame Laureates.
Helen Weisensel has been involved with 4-H for 55 years and helped shape the Dodge County 4-H program and is focused on the educational value. Officials with Wisconsin 4-H say she leads by example and has been an exemplary project leader across many different projects.
In addition, they say Weisensel believes in the value of consistent 4-H project meetings not just the month before the fair, but throughout the program year. She saw the meetings as a way for youth to “learn by doing.”
The Wisconsin 4-H Hall of Fame was established to recognize 4-H volunteers, financial supporters, staff, and pioneers who made major contributions to the 4-H movement at the local, state and national levels. In total five volunteers, supports and staff were announced as 2022 Hall of Fame Laureates.